Innovative Marketing For Tourism

We are passionate about creating new destinations in global tourism for everyone. Every day we impact the lives of more and more people who enjoy cheap and comfortable traveling around the world.

We are focused only on new ideas

The primary goal of TLG is to seek new methods of traveling in the modern world. We make traveling easier and cheaper. The satisfaction of millions of people confirms that we have chosen the right path.

Our team of visionaries

We bring together top-class specialists from various fields who aren't afraid to think ahead. We provide them with the best environment possible for development.

The Joy of new ideas

We aren't interested in competing in proven methods of travel. Our passion and greatest joy is creating new solutions ourselves.

Solutions that affect us all

When developing our solutions, we always have the same goal: to care for the interests of hotels and travelers equally and to find ways to benefit them both.


Eurorest - our outstanding product

The Eurorest Voucher is our leading product accepted worldwide. Our agreements with hotels allow Voucher holders to travel around the world without paying for accommodation in selected seasons. For more information and Hotel Catalog, visit

 Visit the website 

Our work style is the essence of our business

Innovative approach

We focus on a modern approach to promote tourism in countless ways, expanding its borders and reaching millions of people interested in traveling every day.

Proud of Our own ideas

What distinguishes us is the combination of the world of interactive marketing with the tourism industry. There is still room for new interesting opportunities that we are constantly expanding.

Day After day at a good pace

We don't race against time or anybody else. We don't set deadlines, we just work day after day at a good pace. In such an environment, good ideas are born and there is greater satisfaction when the job is done.

connecting travelers and hotels...

The essence of our business has always been to connect people and hotels in such a way that everyone benefits. That is why we are constantly building new solutions that connect travelers and hotels in every season of the year.

A few words about the future

New ways of analysis

We are constantly exploring the tourism market in several aspects and perspectives. We analyze current local and global trends, which is the main inspiration for our ideas.

New Ideas and concepts

What will travel look like in 10 years? What trends will dominate in marketing? We ask ourselves these and many other questions at every stage of planning further actions.

new markets and areas

Despite the fact that we are already present in most of the world's major markets, we enjoy every small venture all the same.

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